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Professional development training you can do this National Child Protection Week

This National Child Protection Week 6-12 September 2020, and in line with “putting children first”, I decided to research and find some suitable and relevant online training for my readers.  The trainings are for professionals who work with children and young people and their networks of adults who support them.  They are more suited for those who work with children across the various family and sexual violence sectors, plus across health, social services and community.

Of course, they are all online – with the uncertain times of COVID-19 still hanging around.  Some are free, others have affordable costs, some take only take a couple of hours to complete, others a bit longer.  You can do these anywhere on a mobile, tablet or desktop. 

Here they are – I challenge you to complete at least one of them during the week!

Child aware practice

The first training is by Emerging Minds, an organisation well known for developing evidence-based training and resources for professionals, children and their families.  They have about 17 online courses covering a variety of topics related to children’s well-being and mental health.  These are all free – and so easily accessible.  Some are only 1 hour long to complete.

The training I’ve chosen is ‘Child Aware Practice’ - download the link here

Why have I chosen this?  Because putting children first isn’t really at the forefront for a lot of organisations and there’s a lack of understanding of what child aware practice actually is.  That’s understandable and child aware practice is a relatively new and emerging concept in Australia.

Emerging Minds have created a quality online short course for professionals, managers, or anyone who wants to explore ways to implement Child Aware practice in their agency or service.  Participants will learn how to use a child aware approach to ensure that parenting roles and the needs of children are considered in all interventions.  I won’t tell you any more, go and complete the course!

Other available and free online training for child aware practice

Children of Parents with a Mental Illness (COPMI) have two eLearning courses -

Child Aware Practice: This introductory course encourages professionals to understand and talk with parents about the impact of adult problems on children and the role of parents in supporting the safety, well-being and development of children. These things should be considered in all service settings - whether you're working with adults, children or familie

Child Aware Supervision: Extends the 'Child Aware practice' course and provides training for team leaders and supervisors in strategies that they can apply to promote child and family-sensitive practices in their service.

Both eLearning courses can be downloaded here

Therapeutic work with children and young people in the online space – a trauma responsive approach

This training is by the Australian Childhood Foundation (ACF).  They are also a leader in professional education for those who work therapeutically with children and young people.

This training caught my eye as ‘very relevant’ in today’s online world that we all work and live in.  It supports professionals to understand the principles of trauma responsive and relational based work in the online world.  Participants will learn practical, creative and easy to use strategies that ensure ethical, safe and successful intervention with children, young people and the relationships which care for them.

This training is a virtual classroom training which will be held on Wednesday 16th September 2020 – so put this in your calendar so you don’t miss it.  This session costs $165. 

Click here for further information on this training and booking

Excellence in Practice Webinars

The Berry Street Professional Learning & Development team have just launched a new series of “Excellence in Practice Webinars”.  There are over 20 of these and they look amazing with a huge array of content in different practice areas.  Facilitated by their Honorary Associates and Berry Street's own subject matter experts, they are all online webinars.  They offer learning opportunities for professionals to improve the outcomes for vulnerable children, young people and families during these uncertain times.

I am a bit late as three have already been held this week, and a few are already booked out.  Also, for us Western Australians, set your alarms bright and early as most of them start at 8am AEST!  But, what an exceptional opportunity to learn from such diverse experts.  Don’t miss this opportunity! Click here for information on the Excellence Practice Webinars

The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on.  It is never of any use to oneself. Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900, Irish playwright, poet and writer)

I hope you get to complete at last one of this excellent online training opportunities and up skill so you as a professional can “put children first”.  If you have other evidence-based training you would like to highlight and share, please post your comments below.